(A home of Grace)
It is very common in India for women to be considered below men. In some cases, women are seen as good for nothing without a man in their lives. For example, if a women's husband passes away, they would then become a widow, become rejected by their family, and then become forced to live in the streets.
This is why The Association of Arulagam came to be...
This organization's aim is to accept all types of women who are sexually abused, sent away from their homes, rejected by society, infected by HIV/AIDS and enable them to regain their respect and dignity. They do this by offering these women a home, medical care and support, facilities for AIDS/HIV+ children/women, vocational training programs, education, and occupational therapy.
Please contact The Association of Arulagam for further information:
The Association of Arulagam is Located in:
Pasumalai, Maduri
Tamil Nadu, India