
Monday, November 26, 2012

Where do you Belong?

Imagine...your whole life you have lived in a particular country,  your family is there, your identity is found there, your culture is there, and all you have ever known is living in that country. 
All of the sudden you are no longer able to be a citizen of your home country. Where would you go? What would you do? Who would take you in? Where do you belong?

Statelessness, or the lack of a nationality, causes Refugees to be is a prevalent issue today, affecting millions of people worldwide

This is why Refugees International was formed. Refugees International believes that is a "human right and a foundation of identity, dignity, justice, peace, and personal security" to have a nationality. 


Monday, November 19, 2012

50 Million Missing Campaign

"Help be a voice for the 50 million girls who have “gone missing” in India over the past three generations due to female feticide, infanticide, and dowry murders. Please sign the petition demanding that the Indian government end this silent gendercide."

For more information on the 50 Million Missing Campaign Campaign. Check out the 2 blogs below!  
1. The Gender Equal Blog
2. The 50 Million Missing Newspaper Log on Reports of Violence on Women and Girls

Saturday, November 17, 2012


 Fair Labor Association's president, Auret van Heerden, answers the following questions about workers rights: How can globalized industries keep their workers safe and protected? and how can companies keep their global supply chains honest? 

 Auret van Heerden: Making global labor fair

The FLA works to bring together companies, NGOs and universities to develop and keep up international labor standards in global supply chains.

"Founded in 1999, the FLA grew out of a task force convened by President Clinton to investigate and end child labor and other sweatshop practices. Difficult enough in the US, protecting labor is even more complex in the global economy, with its multiple sets of laws and layers of contractors and outsourcers. Policing the entire chain is impossible, so the FLA works instead to help all parties agree that protecting workers is the best way to do business, and agree on voluntary initiatives to get there."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Unsanitary Killer

A dead cow carcass floating in one of India's main sources of water, the Ganga
"Poor sanitation is a major contributor to water-borne diseases, which in the past three years alone killed an estimated 4.5 million children under the age of five worldwide, according to the study."

-Al Jazeera's Prerna Suri reports from New Delhi.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

No Privacy

"According to the World Health Organization, open areas are the only toilet option for an estimated 625 million Indians. A recent government census showed nearly half of India's households do not have a toilet, but more people own a mobile phone - 53.2% of Indians have a mobile phone compared to 46.9% with lavatory"  -CNN